"The conditioned soul within the material world can neither understand nor appreciate how the devotee in the material world can render confidential service to the Lord out of feelings of ecstatic love and always engage in pleasing the Supreme Lord's senses. Although seen within this material world, the pure devotee always engages in the confidential service of the Lord."
TRANSLATION: "The creeper greatly expands in the Goloka Vrndavana planet, and there it produces the fruit of love for Krsna. Although remaining in the material world, the gardener regularly sprinkles the creeper with the water of hearing and chanting.
PURPORT: In Goloka Vrndavana the devotees have very intimate relationships with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The devotee engages in the Lord's service in great ecstatic love. Such love was exhibited personally by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in His teachings to the people of the material world. The fruit of the devotional creeper is pure desire to serve and please the senses of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Krsnendriya-priti-iccha dhare 'prema' nama. (Cc. Adi 4.165) In the spiritual world one has no desire other than to please the senses of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The conditioned soul within the material world can neither understand nor appreciate how the devotee in the material world can render confidential service to the Lord out of feelings of ecstatic love and always engage in pleasing the Supreme Lord's senses. Although seen within this material world, the pure devotee always engages in the confidential service of the Lord. An ordinary neophyte devotee cannot realize this; therefore it is said, vaisnavera kriya-mudra vijnaneha na bujhaya. The activities of a pure Vaisnava cannot be understood even by a learned scholar in the material world.
(C.C. Madhya 19.155)


Dear Prabhu's please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please forgive my offenses. I humbly request you to send any quotes from Srila Prabhupada which describe his transcendental qualities and pastimes. In this way together we may be able to compile a book for his glorification and our meditation on his exalted personality. Thankyou.

Your servant Mukunda dasa.